Thursday, September 24, 2009

The Economic System and It's Constituent Members

From a competing website:

The global financial crisis ... could lead to a rise in infant mortality, according to a new report from the UN. The UNESCO Education for All Global Monitoring Report found that reduced financial growth in 2009 will cost the 390 million people already living in extreme poverty in sub-Saharan Africa an estimated $18bn ($13bn), the equivalent of $46 ($33) per person.

(JS) What does it mean? The text reproduced above, originating with an international organization, indicates that when the global economic system becomes less wealthy, among the losers are the poorest members who have little to start with. They lose as well. I feel quite confident that if this is so, the corollary should be this: when the world economic system gains rather than loses, those same individuals, who are part of the world system as this is the intrinsic nature of capitalism --- it is the nature of capitalism to distribute its wealth to its membership, or the whole --- need to have a share in the wealth.
But this is not happening, since these persons – members of the system – are dying, and because this is the case, it is necessary to initiate a program to supply basic life and normal human biological health. Some meaningful (physically helpful) amount should be supplied – i.e. transferred – to the group: the entire group of the world’s least wealthy members of the global or globalized world system.

This could be the first step in a reform of capitalism.

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