Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Is It Poetry or Is It Economics? Only your Hairdresser Knows...

A TV review - abc t.v. 7, Chicago - - A Sun evening drama: tobogganing, fashion photog--

Is it reality or is it unreality. We dont know. Are these people competent or incompetent? Again --- dont kno. Incompetence seems to be the last endearing characteristic.
"Where is the reality" seems a very good question. I am too smart for my own good. Now as I comprehend the plot: A rich kid hires a pretend family. But the plot goes awry. Complications ensue.

since 1937

reality is very hard to find

America as a land/culture based on ploys (George Santayana, People&P, p. 80, /// ...her view of the S____ family and of B [U. S. city] in general, as she unfolded it to us merrily at home, though friendly and kindly, was frankly comic; ..." and p. 87, "There is curious cruelty mixed sometimes with American shrewdness and humor. The sharp mind finds things queer, crooked, perverse; it puns around them; and it doesn't see why they shouldn't be expected and commanded to be quite other than they are; but all this without much hope of mending them, and a sardonic grin. " The author of the book goes on with these recollections, and in a way that shows up Americans as: perverse, hypocritical, detached, superficial and lacking Santayana says on p. 88 with regard to an old New England preacher, "wisdom." Agreed.

Very strange how Americans view perverseness and unreality as a bargaining chip. Maybe that is how life –the system --has been working all along. You can do your best at lying and deceiving your way through life----and, at some point, you go as high as such as that will take you and there you stop anyway (because after all you were lying. You were not ethical.) But, it is not the perversity that creates the limit: it is the stop point itself, in the market. After all, what else is life? Just a big competition. What does this create? Essence of Olay? Perfume? Once again I am reminded of Neitzche's essay, "The Great Blond Beast." Here, many years earlier, he nailed this quality -- this was years before Hitler spelled out its actuality. Neitzche, in this essay, discusses, in a very profound way, I thought, the Europeans. He discusses Europeans, or maybe Germanic persons, as these monsters returned home from some "campaign" where they had raped women, plundered, etc., and the brilliant Neitzche points out how they, upon returning, think highly of what they have done. It striks me as excellent, this Neitzche piece. I do not know if I received the point with total precision of understanding, or I am applying my own version of it. But, from my point of view, it is one hell of an astounding good essay, on subjects usually untouched. It is called "The Great Blond Beast."

The Americans, it seems, have got the same problem. And where can we expect this to lead us? You are not perfect of great, just because you is Americansky. And now for something --- Well, different:

The Dutchy-Wutchy People

When "they" --the Dutch people in this case --originally colonized U. S. country on site at "New Netherland," as Holland's elites named it --- they did it for money. But you have to remember that the Dutch were, culturally, familiarized to markets and money. The fact is that they were the main European group involved in the trading activity of that particular time in the development of capitalism. According to F. Braudel, the great historian of material culture, trade and finance --these being Braudel's three spheres of culture as it relates to economics, later, this sort of Capital cities of capitalism would move on. Later it is London, and not Amsterdam or Bruge as it had been earlier, and, still later: New York.
As for the current center or capitol city, whether it has become Dubai is a matter that remains yet unsettled.

At any rate, the Dutch were the main trading people of that time. Yes, capitalism is about making money bets ---- but it is about making money bets against reality, and it is not done against money itself. That's a no-no, fellas and you should knock it off.

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